“My first clearing session was amazing and powerful. I can’t even imagine how long it would have taken me to move through the periods of growth and transition on my own. Where previously I had many conscious desires for changes in my life, it has only been through working with Yamini that my experiences have truly shifted. I often find myself amazed at how different I feel, and that is something I was not sure possible in my lifetime.”
AA, New York
“I feel that I know myself better, and have more self-awareness because of the energy tools and clearing processes Yamini has shared with me. The methods she uses are extremely effective because I always see results very quickly. My life is consistently changing in positive ways.”
MM, Alaska

The benefits of a Soul Clearing Session:

  • Greater freedom from obsolete, negative ways of thinking.
  • New, more positive emotional responses and less reactivity to negative input from others.
  • A greater sense of inner peace.
  • Receiving clearer inner guidance and direction that is more aligned with overall life purpose.
  • Release from outworn personal roles, previously imposed labels, and an ego-based identity.
  • An awakening to your true identity.
  • Acceleration of your spiritual growth.
  • The ability to stay centered and balanced in stressful situations.
  • Clarity and a deeper understanding of your circumstances and challenges so that you can shift your awareness to a higher perspective and bring about change from within.
  • The ability to draw to yourself wonderful opportunities that did not seem possible for you before.
  • The potential to experience more loving relationships with yourself and others.
  • An opening to greater abundance, a greater sense of freedom, and a greater sense of well-being.

What is possible for you after a Soul Clearing session?

When you are clear, you feel good about yourself.  Soul Clearing sessions are designed to awaken the intuition, inner strength, power, love, wisdom, clarity, and all the divine qualities of your soul.  The powerful processes used during Soul Clearing sessions strengthen your ability to release limitations so that you can create your highest future with clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.  Opportunities will come to you and new paths will open to you.  With the heightened clarity and ease that are available after a Soul Clearing session, you will be better able to gently and lovingly create new directions in your life – directions that serve you and your growth in the highest ways

“Yamini’s Soul Clearing work is amazing. Yamini supports people in healing their lives, and she is a masterful spiritual life coach. Her compassionate communication during a soul clearing session assists the soul and the conscious mind to let go of negative programming, energies, and thoughts. She tunes in to the root cause of a problem quickly, and she efficiently explains it with grace and ease. She then takes clients through processes to shift the energy of that cause to a place of love. She provides meaningful “homework” to reprogram the conscious and unconscious mind to accept the new level of consciousness. As a veteran energy worker myself, I must say I have learned much from her. Hers is some of the most affirmative, effective soul clearing work I have encountered, and her style is unique. She is wise in the ways of the soul, and she clearly directs the conscious mind to new thinking. She has a deep, thorough, masterful understanding of the soul’s needs and growth processes. I highly recommend her services.”
TA, Florida

 How to prepare for your Soul Clearing session:

Prior to your clearing session, please review your life for areas you would like to focus on during the session, and make a brief list of issues to be addressed during the session.  A brief list helps us research and clear energies that are critical for you at the time of the clearing.  During each session, the related limiting beliefs and programs established in the conscious and subconscious minds are researched, and accumulated discordant energies from past and present life experiences are cleared.  Positive, life-affirming programs are set up in place of the old programming.

The following list can help you identify areas you need to focus on:

  • Present life crises: Negative or limiting issues, dreams, beliefs, and blocks to positive physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual expressions of life.
  • Health problems: Allergies, illnesses, phobias, etc.
  • Finances, career, and creativity: Challenges and negative patterns in the area of prosperity and abundance.
  • Relationships: difficult relationships with family members, co-workers, or others.
  • Addictions: recurring emotional difficulties, negative behavior patterns, or addictions.
  • Notes about any recurring or vivid dreams.

Soul Clearing sessions do not have to be facilitated in person.  Processes used during soul clearing sessions work at the soul level simultaneous to the session.  For this reason, phone or Skype sessions are very practical, convenient, and just as effective.  All sessions are conducted by appointment only.  Each session is one hour in length.

“Your kindness is great, your caring is authentic, and your work is intimate and powerful. Thank you for who you are and what you do!”
KA , Texas

3 Steps to set up your Soul Clearing Session:


Step 1: Make your payment of $145 by clicking the button below.


Step 2: Schedule Your session – You will receive a link in your email to schedule your appointment.

Step 3: Mark Your Calendar!  There are no reminders sent.  Missed appointments are charged in full and are nonrefundable unless you give a 48-hour cancellation notice.  With 48 hours prior cancellation notice, a full refund will be given or you may choose to re-schedule.